SPL’s Mission
The mission of the Syracuse University Institute for Security Policy and Law (SPL) is to educate and inspire the next generation of national security thought leaders and practitioners, through interdisciplinary research, teaching, public service, and policy analysis.
SPL Research and Collaborative Pillars, ’23-’24
- Ring Around Russia: Partnership for Law and Policy. An interdisciplinary network of scholars from the U.S., Ukraine and Russia’s frontline states.
- US-Ukraine Veterans Bridge [Press Release]
- A Policy of Heroes: Why Veterans Affairs is a National Security Concern for Ukraine & How to Move from a Soviet Pensioner’s Model of Veterans Affairs to a Citizen Soldier’s [PDF]
- Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies
- Climate Change
What Makes SPL Different?
SPL faculty and leadership account for over 100 years of experience in all three branches of the U.S. federal government, over 60 years teaching experience, and include unique perspectives from leaders who have held seats at some of the nation’s top decision-making tables and organizations.